Friday, February 24, 2012

OR ORE Word Works Station

 Of all phonics sound/spelling sorts, I dunno why I ended up making this one. :} Good grief! Lol. I think I was just frustrated with the missing "e" at the end of certain words, but my class thinks if they add an 'e' the o would be a long o. It doesn't help that we have been learning about "magic e". :D Thus, I present to you our current phonics station sort. 
OR vs. ORE Header Cards {click here}
As your students master each word you can make copies of the sort cards and whiteout a few letters to make this sort more challenging for them.

OR vs. ORE Sort Cards {CLICK HERE}

Here's our exit/extension worksheet. I print this on BOTH sides of a copy paper. Students are supposed to draw and label ONE word from the sort (or one they think of themselves) in each box. So, essentially each card from the sort has a spot on the worksheet. :D The bottom lines are used to write sentences using the words from the sort.
OR vs. ORE Sorting Exit/Extension Worksheet {CLICK HERE}

Please enjoy!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Author's Message Day 3

Here's one that seemed helpful to some pinners. :) There's a Model passage for teacher instruction/introduction, Guided passage for student practice with support, and an Exit passage for student independent application. Hope you enjoy!! Remember to "FOLLOW" my blog and leave me comments so I know what's working and what's not. :D Thanks!

Author's Message - Lesson Learned

So, this is a pretty tough skill for my firsties. We started slow by having them identify the passage that matches a GIVEN author's message or "lesson to learn". Let me know and leave a comment if you end up using this one. I'd also appreciate it if you could "FOLLOW" my blog. Cheers! 

Print the PDF 2-to-2 sided so that you save precious copy paper. One side for the guided practice and one side for students' independent practice.

Updated Week 24 HW Cover Page :)

I think I'm not supposed to post more than once a day, but I dunno if I can keep up a regular scheduled post. SMH and LOL... :P So, you'll have to deal with the erratic nature of this blog. Hope this helps. Cheers!!! :D

Book Report Template ONE

Here are some book report templates for you all. This helps my firsties with retelling for guided reading and "DRA" assessments. :D Enjoy!!

FIRST Blog Posting!! YAY! :D

Happy three day weekend fellow educators!! At least I hope you get three days. :( I didn't have last Monday off, so I'm thrilled I have tomorrow off.

This is my first official post (I had issues with earlier posts and trying to attach a link to my HW cover page). I'm hoping I can contribute some useful ideas and worksheets and pics. on this blog to you FABULOUS TEACHERS out there. I'm not as organized as I should be, or want to be, and am AMAZED at how many of you are rocking IN and OUT of the class with management, creativity, and organization!!

Happy Sunday to all for now!!

P.S. I'm sure I'll make plenty of newbie blogger mistakes so you'll have to bear with me. Cheers to all!!